


  • politic

    To be politic in a decision is to be socially wise and diplomatic.

  • aesthetic

    The word aesthetic is used to talk about art, beauty, the study of beauty, and the appreciation of beautiful things.

  • rubric

    A rubric is a set of instructions at the beginning of a document, such as an examination or term paper, that is usually printed in a different style so as to highlight its importance.

  • canonical

    Something that is canonical is accepted as being accurate and authoritative—it possesses all the qualities that a thing of its kind should have.

  • allegorical

    An allegorical poem or story employs allegory, that is, a literary device that uses literal events and characters to represent abstract ideas or deeper meanings.

  • empirical

    Empirical evidence or study is based on real experience or scientific experiments rather than on unproven theories.

  • bombastic

    When a person is speaking or writing in a bombastic fashion, they are very self-centered, extremely showy, and excessively proud.

  • mimetic

    If you engage in mimetic behavior, you copy the movements or appearance of someone or something else.

  • enigmatic

    Someone or something that is enigmatic is mysterious and difficult to understand.

  • catatonic

    A catatonic person is in a state of suspended action; therefore, they are rigid, immobile, and unresponsive.

  • lackadaisical

    If you do something in a lackadaisical way, you do it carelessly and without putting much effort into it—thereby showing that you are not really interested in what you're doing.

  • laconic

    A person who is being laconic uses very few words to say something.

  • acerbic

    If you take an acerbic tone with someone, you are criticizing them in a clever but critical and mean way.

  • semantic

    The word semantic is used to describe that which pertains to meaning, especially the meaning of words and phrases.

  • prophylactic

    A prophylactic is used as a preventative or protective agent to keep someone free from disease or infection.

  • plastic

    A person who is plastic can be easily influenced and molded by others.

  • panegyric

    A panegyric is a speech or article that praises someone or something a lot.

  • myopic

    A myopic person is unable to visualize the long-term negative consequences of their current actions; rather, they are narrowly focused upon short-term results.

  • intrinsic

    An intrinsic characteristic of something is the basic and essential feature that makes it what it is.

  • topical

    The adjective topical describes something that is related to a subject of current interest.

  • endemic

    Something that is endemic to a place, such as a disease or life form, is very frequently found in and restricted to that area or region.

  • schematic

    A schematic diagram or picture shows the main parts of something in a simple drawing that helps people understand it.

  • bucolic

    The adjective bucolic is used to describe things that are related to or characteristic of rural or country life.

  • prosaic

    Something prosaic is dull, boring, and ordinary.

  • nostalgic

    If you feel nostalgic about a happy time in the past, you are feeling sad when you think about it and wish that things had not changed or long for their return.

  • chronic

    A chronic illness or pain is serious and lasts for a long time; a chronic problem is always happening or returning and is very difficult to solve.

  • pyrrhic

    A Pyrrhic victory is one that comes at a high cost for the winners of a battle.

  • skeptic

    A skeptic is a person who doubts popular claims or facts about things that other people believe to be true.

  • eccentric

    If someone is eccentric, they behave in a strange and unusual way that is different from most people.

  • dogmatic

    Someone is being dogmatic when they express opinions in an assertive and often overly self-important manner.

  • autocratic

    An autocratic person rules with complete power; consequently, they make decisions and give orders to people without asking them for their opinion or advice.

  • vitriolic

    Vitriolic words are bitter, unkind, and mean-spirited.

  • somatic

    If you say that something is somatic, you mean that it relates to or affects the body and not the mind.

  • meteoric

    If you describe someone's path through life as meteoric, it means that they have become very successful extremely quickly.

  • phlegmatic

    Someone who is phlegmatic stays calm and unemotional even in dangerous or exciting situations.

  • frenetic

    Frenetic activity is done quickly with lots of energy but is also uncontrolled and disorganized; someone who is in a huge hurry often displays this type of behavior.

  • choleric

    A choleric person becomes angry very easily.

  • sardonic

    Someone's sardonic smile, expression, or comment shows a lack of respect for what someone else has said or done; this occurs because the former thinks they are too important to consider or discuss such a supposedly trivial matter of the latter.

  • thematic

    Something is thematic when it is related to a particular theme, that is, a carefully developed message or central idea.

  • sporadic

    Sporadic occurrences happen from time to time but not at constant or regular intervals.

  • eclectic

    An eclectic assortment of things or people comes from many varied sources; additionally, it usually includes the best of those sources.

  • pedantic

    If someone is pedantic, they give too much importance to unimportant details and formal rules.

  • didactic

    Didactic speech or writing is intended to teach something, especially a moral lesson.

  • prophetic

    Something or someone that is prophetic has the quality or ability to predict the future.

  • peripatetic

    If someone leads a peripatetic life, they travel from place to place, living and working only for a short time in each place before moving on.

  • caustic

    A caustic remark is unkind, critical, cruel, and mocking.

  • dialectic

    Dialectic is a dialogue between two people who present logical arguments in order to persuade each other of the truth of their opinion; during this interchange, the debaters arrive at a truth, which often involves parts of each debater's opinion.

  • idiosyncratic

    Idiosyncratic tendencies, behavior, or habits are unusual and strange.

  • lethargic

    If you are lethargic, you are tired, lack energy, and are unwilling to exert effort.

  • generic

    A generic description or attribute is not specific to any one thing but applies to all members of an entire class or group.

  • esoteric

    Something esoteric is known about or understood by very few people.

  • diabolical

    If you say something is diabolical, you are emphasizing that it is evil, cruel, or very bad.

  • archaic

    Something that is archaic is out of date or not currently used anymore because it is no longer considered useful or efficient.

  • quixotic

    Quixotic plans or ideas are not very practical or realistic; they are often based on unreasonable hopes for improving the world.

  • polemic

    A polemic is a strong written or spoken statement that usually attacks or less often defends a particular idea, opinion, or belief.

  • rhetoric

    Rhetoric is the skill or art of using language to persuade or influence people, especially language that sounds impressive but may not be sincere or honest.

  • synoptic

    When you are presented with a synoptic view of a written work or subject, you receive a summary or general overview of the entirety of its contents.

  • whimsical

    A whimsical idea or person is slightly strange, unusual, and amusing rather than serious and practical.

  • histrionic

    If you describe someone's behavior as histrionic, you disapprove of it because it is overly loud, dramatic, emotional, and insincere.

  • stoic

    A stoic person does not show their emotions and does not complain when bad things happen to them.

  • anthropomorphic

    Something anthropomorphic is not human, but is shaped like a human or has human characteristics, such as behavior.

  • chronological

    A chronological history arranges events in the order that they happened.

  • concentric

    Concentric circles, gradually increasing in size, spread out from a common central point.

  • cynical

    A cynical person thinks that people in general are most often motivated by selfish concerns; therefore, they doubt, mistrust, and question what people do.

  • demographic

    A demographic study describes the characteristics of part of a population that is usually used for purposes of marketing.

  • ecstatic

    When you are ecstatic about something, you are overjoyed or extremely happy about it.

  • egotistical

    An egotistical person thinks about or is concerned with no one else other than themself.

  • emphatic

    When you make an emphatic declaration, you are insistent and absolute about it.

  • erratic

    Erratic behavior is irregular, unpredictable, and unusual.

  • fanaticism

    Fanaticism is the condition of being overly enthusiastic or eager about a cause to the point of being extreme and unreasonable about it.

  • ironic

    An ironic statement means something the opposite of that which is expressed, sometimes giving humor or a grim twist to the situation at hand.

  • kinetic

    Something kinetic is moving, active, and using energy.

  • melodramatic

    When you are acting in a melodramatic way, you are overreacting to something in an overly dramatic and exaggerated way.

  • monastic

    A monastic lifestyle is very simple—it is not given to excess in any way; rather, it is a lifestyle of self-denial.

  • neurotic

    A neurotic person is too anxious or worried about events in everyday life.

  • panoramic

    A panoramic view of a landscape is a sweeping or wide-ranging view of it.

  • parenthetical

    A parenthetical remark further explains or qualifies information.

  • pathological

    If you have a pathological condition, you are extreme or unreasonable in something that you do.

  • chaotic

    A chaotic state of affairs is in a state of confusion and complete disorder.

  • pragmatic

    If you handle something in a pragmatic way, you deal with it in a realistic and practical manner rather than just following unproven theories or ideas.

  • dynamic

    A dynamic person is full of energy and life, making them very active.

  • authentic

    An authentic object or person is actual or real; it or they are not fake.

  • methodical

    If you are methodical while doing a task, you use a logical and organized system to complete it.

  • epidemic

    An epidemic problem, such as a disease or unpleasant development of some kind, spreads quickly over a widespread area.

  • exotic

    If something is exotic, it is viewed as unusual, very different, or from a culture that is unfamiliar.

  • polyphonic

    The adjective polyphonic refers to something that consists of many sounds or voices.

  • rhapsodic

    If you are rhapsodic about something, you are very happy, ecstatic, passionate, or highly enthusiastic about it.

  • democratic

    Democratic government is based on the idea that all people are equal; therefore, a country’s people should help decide how to rule it.

  • technique

    A technique is a special way or skill to do something.

  • gigantic

    Something gigantic is huge or very big.

  • economic

    An economic plan or problem has to do with money, such as the spending or making of it.

  • academic

    Academic subjects are those learned in classes at school, such as math, history, languages, and science.

  • basic

    Basic skills are the simplest ones that everyone needs to know, such as learning how to add 1 + 1 or how to dress yourself.

  • automatic

    Something automatic works by itself without needing a person to do anything.

  • criticism

    Criticism is the finding of fault with people because their actions are thought of as wrong or bad in some way.

  • dramatic

    Something dramatic is exciting, filled with energy, and can sometimes have surprising and interesting things happen.

  • tropical

    Tropical weather is hot and wet most of the time.

  • topic

    A topic is a subject that a book or a teacher wants you to think about.

  • publication

    A publication is a piece of writing for all people to read, such as a book or magazine.

  • typical

    A typical thing that happens is the usual or normal thing.

  • acoustic

    of or relating to the science of acoustics

  • alcoholic

    characteristic of or containing alcohol

  • angelic

    marked by utter benignity

  • gothic

    characteristic of the style of type commonly used for printing German

  • photographic

    relating to photography or obtained by using photography

  • polysyllabic

    having or characterized by words of more than three syllables

  • volcanic

    relating to or produced by or consisting of volcanoes

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