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  • Verb




After we moved, my mom liked to compare or look for things that were similar and different between our old and new houses. She compared or considered both kitchens and said that the new one was too small. When Mom compared or thought about both homes’ bedrooms, she said the new ones were bigger. Now that we have lived in our new house for a while, she no longer needs to compare or measure the two homes against each other.

Quiz: What are you doing when you compare two things?

  • You are checking the size of each to make sure that they both are the same.
  • You are seeing how they are the same as and unlike each other.
  • You watch one thing on one day and another thing the next day.

Memory Hook

Kumquats and Pears So I decided to compare kumquats with pears, and found them to have mostly differences between the two!


  • Our kids came to visit a few weeks after we made our purchases, and we had plenty of time to compare notes and decide who got the best deal. — USA Today
  • Among 18- to 30-year-olds, the rate of donations to causes doubled in 2020 compared with the three previous years, according to a survey by the group Cause and Social Influence. — The Christian Science Monitor

Word Ingredients

com with, together
par equal
e used for spelling and pronunciation

When you compare two things, you find out how, by looking at them “together,” they are “equal” and not “equal.”

Word Theater

Sesame Street How Grover compares to these NBA players.

Word Constellation


Word Variants

comparison n the act of finding how two things are like and unlike each other
comparative adj of finding out how two things are like and unlike each other